Track your sleep with our digital sleep diary
The Benefits of Manually Tracking Your Sleep

A better measure of sleep
Use SleepSpace's digital sleep diary to log your time in bed, sleep time, awakenings and more. This is especially important when working with a sleep specialist or if you find that sleep trackers are not as accurate as the subjective experience of your sleep. Our digital sleep diary is based on the Consensus Sleep Diary - a standardized sleep diary created by sleep experts around the world.
If you'd like to see your sleep diary data on the Score screen, without any data from devices, simply turn on Diary Focused Feedback in your settings.
Turning on diary focus mode within the iPhone app is especially useful when dealing with the issue of "Orthosomnia." Orthosomnia occurs when feedback from sleep tracking devices causes unnecessary anxiety about one's sleep. By entering your sleep diary before you see your sleep stats from wearable and nearable devices, the more accurate the understanding of your sleep can be.
To create your first sleep diary entry:
A better measure of sleep
A great sleep scientist Dr. Michael Grandner once said that your phenomenological experience of sleep can often give you more insights than the statistics that come from an advanced wearable. This is why we developed a digital version of the consensus sleep diary.
When you enter your sleep information using this digital sleep diary, all your relevant perceptions of sleep are in one place such as your sleep efficiency, sleep onset latency (i.e. how long it takes you to fall asleep), and wake after sleep onset (WASO), or how long your perceive being up at night.
If you are struggling with problems falling asleep and staying asleep (i.e. insomnia), we recommend tracking this using the consensus sleep diary.
Identify ways to improve your sleep quality today!

No more cumbersome paper / pencil sleep diaries
Psychologists who are trained in cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTi) often ask their patients to fill out a sleep diary every day. In the past, this was done with paper and pencil, which was highly inefficient. We therefore made the digital version of the consensus sleep diary to make it easier to put your sleep issues into perspective and provide a clearer picture on what is going on with sleep.
Some advanced psychologists sometimes augment these perceptions of sleep with more objective measures from wearables like the Oura Ring or Apple Watch, both of which SleepSpace can integrate with.