Carla Butler
Women's Health & Wellness Coach, Sleep and Recovery Coach, Brief Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia Practitioner, Oxygen Advantage Instructor
Carla has spent years helping clients worldwide to improve their sleep and ultimately their health and happiness. Carla is the founder of Ora Sleep Coaching and works with private clients, runs public workshops and develops bespoke workshops and seminars for organizations.
If you want the answers to your sleep problem but don’t require ongoing support and coaching at this time, this is for you! Inclusions:
1. Pre-appointment lifestyle assessment
2. 90 minute deep dive interview + personalized strategies to improve sleep
3. 30 day access to Ora Sleep Coaching knowledge library
4. 30 day SleepSpace subscription
Three 40 min sessions where we will get the the heart of your sleep and create customized solutions that are proven to improve your sleep efficiency and sleep quality. Inclusions:
1. Pre-appointment lifestyle assessment
2. 'Deep dive' interview
3. Personalized sleep analysis and individualized plan
4. Coaching support between sessions (via messaging)
5. One year access to Ora Sleep Coaching knowledge library
6. One year SleepSpace subscription